International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


FeatureDescriptionAdditional Details
What is it?A 13-digit unique identifier for books and book-like products.Also referred to as "International Standard Book Number".
PurposeStreamlines ordering, listing, sales records, and stock control.Enables accurate identification of specific title, edition, and format.
ScopeText-based monographic publications (books, pamphlets, reports, etc.).Not used for journals, newspapers, or serials.
FormatsPrinted, audio, and electronic formats.E-books have specific guidelines for ISBN assignment.
Structure978 or 979 (publishing group)Identifies the country/region that assigned the ISBN.
Registration GroupCountry/region code, e.g., US, IN, GB.
Registrant ElementPublisher identifier assigned by the Registration Group.
Publication ElementUnique identifier for the specific title, edition, and format.
Check DigitVerifies the accuracy of the entire ISBN.
TransitionPreviously 10 digits, changed to 13 digits on January 1, 2007.Older books may have 10-digit ISBNs still valid.
AcquisitionPurchased or received from an ISBN agency affiliate.Prices and purchasing options vary depending on the agency.
BenefitsImproved book discoverability and availability.Simplified ordering and distribution processes.
Additional NotesNo two ISBNs are the same for any edition of a book.ISBNs are not assigned to music, performances, or images.

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