Thursday, August 15, 2019

Publica bringing a new era of Self Publishing (i.e. 3.0) using Blockchain Technology

   I have discussed the use of Blockchain Technology in libraries and the Archangel project using Blockchain technology, in my earlier articles, recently, I came to know another use of this technology in the Self-publishing world.  Before moving to the topic, we should know about Self-Publishing and What is Self-Publishing 2.0 and 3.0?


Self-publishing is when a writer publishes his/her work at one’s expense, without any involvement of the publisher. The work may include books, magazines, pamphlets, brochures, etc. or digital media ebooks, websites/blogs. All the activities in the publication process like design, price, marketing, and distribution are done by the author and he/she bears all the costs related to these activities and reaps the more profit than that of traditional publishing involving publisher.

History of self-publishing ways back to 1440 when the printing press was invented and people started self-publishing. Few authors started their press for self-publishing. The traditional publishing involving established publishers have control on a percentage of sharing profits to the author and copyrights transfer. These publishers choose to sell the books of only those authors who they found worth to be (sufficiently talented) because their work will bring good profit. At that time the self-publishing authors were thought to be not talented enough to get their work published through established published.

Self-Publishing 2.0                 

The era of electronic publishing is called Self-Publishing 2.0. With the exponential growth of the Internet in the past two decades and the evolution of new digital technologies in every field, the scenario of the publishing world also changed. New digital technologies like computers, tablets, ebook readers gave the impetus and recognition to Self-publishing. The cost of printing and distribution got down which equalized both types of publishing i.e. publishing through established publishers and self-publishing to some extent. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform and Kindle devices gave encouragement and new direction to the self-publishing authors to get their work published electronically in the form of ebooks. It gave authors control over pricing and distribution also. 

Many Online Self Publishing platforms have arisen now to give the facility of publishing your work in paperback, hardcover, and ebook form and distributing across the world. Some are Amazon’s CreateSpace, Notion Press, Buuks, Prowess publishing. Kindle Direct Publishing and Google Play Books Partner Centre are for ebooks.

Self-Publishing 3.0              

It is a distributed model in which authors build their reading communities. They build and grow a creative business by using many technological tools available to suit their goals and desired lifestyle. This has revolutionized the books and publishing trade in the sense that authors are no longer content providers or owners of intellectual property. They have become the businessman in the publishing industry who know the value of their intellectual property and reaping the benefits of these technologies to the fullest.

In Self Publishing 3.0 readers buy directly from independent and empowered authors in person or from their online bookstores and websites.

The word Self Publishing 3.0 came into existence in 2018 in a White paper of ALLi (Alliance of Independent Authors).

ALLi(Alliance of Independent Authors) is a professional membership organization of thousands of authors, collaborating with other organizations and service partners to encourage and support authors in the Self Publishing.

According to ALLi Self Publishing 3.0 is not only a concept, but it is also a campaign run by ALLi to foster true independence in author-publishing. It educates and imparts training to the authors about successful self-publishing. It educates about the three skill sets: writing, digital publishing, and author business.

“In the white paper released in the London Book Fair in 2018 by ALLi, a global nonprofit association of self-publishing authors outlines how blockchain could, through direct tracking of authors’ intellectual property and monetary rights, and decentralized commerce, create a new ecosystem which places authors at the head of the payment chain for the first time in publishing history.”It has recognized that there is a dependence of authors on Amazon. Moving to the author-centric model of publishing trade through the blockchain technology underlying the cryptocurrency will definitely give the new directions to the authors, in which they can directly deal with their readers and get better control of their business. 

Publica (Blockchain for publishing)                   

“Escape the cubicle: quit the job you hate” by Sukhi Jutla launched in 2017 became the world’s first blockchain bestseller using Blockchain publisher platform Publica ( The Publica is also the partner member of ALLi. It is an evolutionary publishing platform based on blockchain technology. Not going into the depth, there are some points about Publica.
  • It allows today’s author to be independent in setting up their own publishing business, become creative professionals.
  • Authors need not deal with any publishing intermediaries.
  • It allows the authors to pre-sell the copies of their upcoming work through the BOOK ICO (a Token), which helps them to build supporting reader community and raising funds needed to finish their work.
  • Publica is available worldwide with no geographical limits.
  • It is an author-centric model with peer to peer author-reader financial relations.
  • Through Publica eReader Wallet the authors can distribute the work to their reading community.

Self Publishing is all about the author's empowerment and encouragement to get success in their own self-controlled business using blockchain technology. It brings confidence in the authors' community to publish directly through the blockchain technology platforms like Publica and allows authors to adapt to the rapidly changing nature of digital publishing.

  This technology of using blockchains for book publishing is in the nascent stage. Authors and readers community is having a watch on the developments and trends on this evolutionary technology. 


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