International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)



Additional Details

What is it?

An 8-digit unique identifier for serial publications.

Also known as "International Standard Serial Number".


- Distinguish between serials with similar titles. Enables clear identification even if titles change slightly.

- Facilitate ordering, cataloging, and search. Streamlines record-keeping and retrieval in libraries and databases.


- Serial publications: Issued in successive parts, with no predetermined conclusion, and intended to continue indefinitely.

Examples: journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, annual reports, yearbooks, proceedings, etc.


- Two groups of four digits: Separated by a hyphen (e.g., 1234-5678).

- Prefix ISSN (p-ISSN): Identifies the print version.

Check Digit

The eighth digit, calculated using a specific formula, ensures accuracy and protects against errors.


- ISSN National Centres: Each country has a designated center responsible for assigning ISSNs.

- ISSN International Centre: Coordinates the global ISSN network and maintains standards.


- Accurate identification and tracking of serials. Reduces confusion and duplication of effort.

- Simplified resource sharing and exchange. Facilitates interlibrary loan and global access.

Additional Notes

- ISSNs are not assigned to books, monographs, or one-time publications.

- ISSNs may change if a serial undergoes a significant title change or format switch.

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