Thursday, November 30, 2017

Moving from MARC 21 format to BIBFRAME model

BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework) , an initiative taken by The LOC (Library of Congress) in 2012 to make bibliographic description to suit the changing needs of current world libraries. It is essential to move forward in this direction so that our libraries can cope up with changing technologies and changing information seeking behavior of users.

   BIBFRAME is  foundation for future bibliographic description and exchange of bibliographic data which is currently being provided by MARC21. Its scope is broader than MARC21 in terms of description and exchange of bibliographic data for wider information community and keeping in mind the changing technologies and to serve the very specific needs of libraries. It is based on Linked data techniques. defines "Linked Data is about using the Web to connect related data that wasn't previously linked." Wikipedia defines Linked Data as "a term used to describe a recommended best practice for exposing, sharing, and connecting pieces of data, information, and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF."

To know more:

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