Knowledge Sea

Library Resources Table
No. Resource
1List of Library Management Software
2Comprehensive Table of Library Classification Schemes
3Library Automation: Evolution over Time
4Global, Regional, and National Library Networks
5Bibliometric Laws: Developer and Year of Origin
6International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
7International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
8Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
940 Quotes about Libraries and Information Science
10Programming Languages for AI Development and Innovation
11Latest Trends in Library and Information Science
12Web 1.0, Web 2.0 & Web 3.0
13Lib 1.0, Lib 2.0 & Lib 3.0
14OPAC 1.0, OPAC 2.0 & OPAC 3.0
16Understanding Tortured Phrases
17What are Creative Commons?

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